Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational by: Microsoft
  • 13 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0
  • Entity Framework Core entity-framework-core EF Data O/RM
Shared Entity Framework Core components for relational database providers.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite.Design by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0-preview1-final
  • Entity Framework Core entity-framework-core EF Data O/RM SQLite
Design-time Entity Framework Core functionality for SQLite
Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server by: Microsoft
  • 115 total downloads
  • Latest version: 9.0.0-rc.1.24452.1
  • MSBuild Swagger OpenAPI code generation Web API service reference document
MSBuild tasks and targets for build-time Swagger and OpenApi document generation This package was built from the source code at
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions by: Microsoft
  • 10 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0
  • dependencyinjection di
Abstractions for dependency injection. Commonly used types: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions by: Microsoft
  • 41 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.0.0-preview.1.22076.8
Logging abstractions for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Commonly Used Types: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<TCategoryName> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger<T> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerMessage Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.NullLogger
Microsoft.Extensions.Options by: Microsoft
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0
  • aspnetcore options
Provides a strongly typed way of specifying and accessing settings using dependency injection.
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives by: Microsoft
  • 9 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0
  • primitives
Primitives shared by framework extensions. Commonly used types include: Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.IChangeToken Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment
Microsoft.Identity.Client by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.3-preview0012
  • Microsoft Authentication Library MSA MSAL B2C Azure Active Directory AAD Identity Authentication .NET Windows Store Xamarin iOS Android
This package contains the binaries of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). MSAL makes it easy to obtain tokens from Azure AD v2 (work & school accounts, MSA) and Azure AD B2C, gaining access to Microsoft Cloud API and any other API secured by Microsoft identities. This version supports adding authentication functionality to your .NET based client on Windows desktop (.NET 4.5+), UWP, .NET Core, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android.
Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal by: Microsoft
  • 4 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.1.0-preview
  • Microsoft Authentication Library MSAL Azure Active Directory AAD Identity .NET
This package contains extensions to Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET (MSAL.NET)
Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream by: Microsoft
  • 36 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.0.1
  • MemoryStream Memory performance GC garbage collection stream scalable buffer
A pooled MemoryStream allocator to decrease GC load and improve performance on highly scalable systems.
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Android.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 34.0.138
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Android workload manifest. Please do not reference directly.
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Aspire.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 11 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.2.0
.NET Aspire workload manifest
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.iOS.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.5.8030
.NET Workload for iOS platforms
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.MacCatalyst.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 8 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.5.8030
.NET Workload for MacCatalyst platforms
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.macOS.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 6 total downloads
  • Latest version: 14.5.8030
.NET Workload for macOS platforms
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Maui.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.72
  • dotnet-maui dotnet maui cross-platform ios android macos maccatalyst windows winui tizen
.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) workload manifest. Please do not reference this package directly.
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.tvOS.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 7 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.5.8030
.NET Workload for tvOS platforms
Microsoft.NET.Workload.Emscripten.Current.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.7
Internal toolchain package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.
Microsoft.NET.Workload.Emscripten.net6.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 2 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.7
Internal toolchain package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.
Microsoft.NET.Workload.Emscripten.net7.Manifest-8.0.100 by: Microsoft
  • 2 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.7
Internal toolchain package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.